School Activation
The kids are the future. So as a very important part of this project, we have a variant of the show, where we combine a concert with a talk about Climate Change.
We are working with UN and their global goals.
In Phnom Penh we played for 3000 kids from 7 countries.
We believe in the positive message, that we can and will change the world into a green future. And we believe that everybody have to be a part of the solution.
We always get the question: What can I do, and does it really matter ?
And yes. There is a lot you can do, and it does matter.
Everyone can help limit climate change. From the way we travel and our shopping habits, to the electricity we use and the food we eat, we can make a difference. Start with these actions to help tackle the climate crisis.
"We simply must do everything we can in our power to slow down global warming before it is too late... The science is clear. The global warming debate is over."
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
"Use your voice, use your vote, use your choice"
- Al Gore

1.Save energy at home
Much of our electricity and heat is powered by coal, oil and gas. Use less energy by lowering your heating and cooling, switching to LED light bulbs and energy-efficient electric appliances, washing your laundry with cold water or hanging things to dry instead of using a dryer.
2.Walk, cycle or take public transport
The world’s roads are clogged with vehicles, most of them burning diesel or petrol. Walking or riding a bike instead of driving will reduce greenhouse gas emissions – and help your health and fitness. For longer distances, consider taking a train or bus. And carpool whenever possible.
3.Eat more vegetables
Eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and less meat and dairy, can significantly lower your environmental impact. Producing plant-based foods generally results in fewer greenhouse gas emissions and requires less energy, land and water.
4.Throw away less food
When you throw food away, you're also wasting the resources and energy that were used to grow, produce, package and transport it. And when food rots in a landfill, it produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. So use what you buy and compost any leftovers.
5.Reduce, reuse, repair & recycle
Electronics, clothes and other items we buy cause carbon emissions at each point in production, from the extraction of raw materials to manufacturing and transporting goods to market. To protect our climate, buy fewer things, shop second-hand, repair what you can and recycle.
6.Respect and protect green spaces
Green spaces, such as parks and gardens, are important. They absorb carbon dioxide and are associated with lower levels of air pollution.
They help to regulate temperature by cooling overheated urban areas, can reduce flood risk by absorbing surface rainwater and can provide important habitats for a wide variety of insects, animals, birds and amphibians.
They also provide multiple benefits to public health, with studies linking green space to reduced levels of stress.
7.Bank and invest your money responsibly
Contact your bank, building society or pension provider to find out where they are investing your money, and ask if you can opt out of funds investing in fossil fuels.
There are a number of ‘ethical banks’ you can consider for various accounts, including current and savings accounts.
8.Talk about the changes you make
Conversations are a great way to spread big ideas.
Seeing others take action helps move the dial on what is seen as 'normal'. And people make more confident choices when they can learn from others' experience. As you make these positive changes to reduce your environmental impact, share your experience with your family, friends, customers and clients. Talk positively, and be honest about the ups and downs.
9.Make your voice heard by those in power.
Tell your Member of Parliament, local councillors and city mayors that you think action on climate change is important.
“By polluting the oceans, not mitigating CO2 emissions and destroying our biodiversity, we are killing our planet. Let us face it, there is no planet B.”
- Emmanuel Macron
“We are running the most dangerous experiment in history right now, which is to see how much carbon dioxide the atmosphere can handle before there is an environmental catastrophe.”
- Elon Musk