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Right now we are running with no sponsors.
We it can´t continue forever since we are traveling the world, making interviews, filming and setting up shows.
It would be nice to have sponsordeals with Hotels, Car rental or an Airline company.
And we are looking for a Distribution deal with Netflix or Amazon.
We have had really nice offers from some very un-sustainable companys.
So still no $ponsors, but a lot of amazing helping hands around the world.
You are of cause welcome to donate....
So... what can YOU do ....?
Help us with spreading the message.
Help us with some simple tasks from the wishlist. We are looking for the best brains on Earth to interview. We have just made an interview with an astronaut Mike Mullane.
We are looking for more. Dalai Lama, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Richard Branson...
We are trying to get in contact with the female Astronaut Soyeon Yi from South Korea...The list is long ...
So get in contact. Send an email. Write to us here on the website. Thank you.
Please.... Help us!
We have a world to save, so we are busy,
and we could need a hand.
Right now we need / Are looking for:
1) A good connection to Netflix or Amazon,
so we can get the documentary out...
2) People that could help spread the
message about Music in Space
3) A Logo designer - We need a new
Music In Space Logo
4) Sponsordeals with:
Car rentals
Join us and upload your video!
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